CA Final

Your Ultimate Guide to a Successful CA Career

Your Ultimate Guide to a Successful CA Career

Why Choose CA as a Career? The range of benefits in CA field runs from high earning potential and job security to great opportunities for growth. In contrast to other careers, the set of skills developed by CAs is versatile, bringing them into demand all over the country and making this quite a profitable and...

How Online Classes Help to Become CA in First Attempt

How Online Classes Help to Become CA in First Attempt?

Online classes for CA examinations help the CA students to prepare for the CA examination and be confident while facing the challenging CA examinations. Online classes guide CA students to study in a planned way and also ensure time for revision.     Factors to Choose Online Classes Over Offline Mode New Age Learning Due to advancements in technology,...

How to Prepare a Study Plan for CA Final Exams

How to Prepare a Study Plan for CA Final Exams?

Congratulations on qualifying the foundation and inter level CA examination. The most important aspect while preparing for CA Final is to have faith in yourself and acknowledge your dedication and discipline towards the challenging CA examinations. To clear the CA Final examination, a student should prepare a proper study plan which is best suited to them...

How Difficult to Pass CA Foundation Law 2024 Exams

How Important is to Choose Best CA Final AFM Online Classes?

Advanced Financial Management or AFM is the second paper under Group 1 in CA Final examinations. The content of this subject helps the CA student to gain the necessary knowledge and become a competent and globally recognised accounting professional. This subject focuses on the importance of understanding the tools and techniques of financial management and applying...

How RTP Classes Help You to Pass CA Examination

How RTP Classes Help You to Pass CA Examination?

Revision Test Papers (RTP) are issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). The RTP is a question bank which is issued by ICAI before the upcoming CA examinations. As per the past trend it has been observed that multiple questions from RTP are asked in the actual CA examinations, hence, making...

AFM Classes to Pass CA Final Exam- CA Ashish Kalra Sir

AFM Classes to Pass CA Final Exam- CA Ashish Kalra Sir

The CA Final syllabus includes Advanced Financial Management AFM (before SFM) as Paper 2 during the CA examination. The subject will help the CA students to acquire the ability to make strategic decisions. SFM now AFM is one of the core papers for the CA Final students and the CA final students can aim to...

Guide to Get Exemption in CA Inter & Final

Guide to Get Exemption in CA Inter & Final

Are you preparing for CA examinations?  Given the vast CA syllabus and examination pressure, preparing for CA examinations can be a daunting task. Here is a guide to top CA exams. As we are already aware, there are two groups in CA Inter with three papers each. While preparing for CA examinations it is important to plan...

CA Final AFM (Advanced Financial Management) Old Vs New

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has implemented  a new scheme of education and training.  The ICAI has revised the whole CA Course- few sections have been removed, some have been merged together, and some new additions  have been made. Talking about changes made to CA Final papers- Strategic Financial Management (SFM) paper...

What If You Drop CS? Common Mistakes to Avoid in CA Intermediate Exams Think You Can’t Ace CA Foundation? Think Again! Misleading Information of the CA Coaching Industry