Tag - afm classes

How Difficult to Pass CA Foundation Law 2024 Exams

How Important is to Choose Best CA Final AFM Online Classes for 2025?

Advanced Financial Management or AFM is the second paper under Group 1 in CA Final examinations in May/Nov 2025. The content of this subject helps the CA student to gain the necessary knowledge and become a competent and globally recognised accounting professional. This subject focuses on the importance of understanding the tools and techniques of financial...

AFM Classes to Pass CA Final Exam- CA Ashish Kalra Sir

AFM Classes to Pass CA Final Exam in 2025- CA Ashish Kalra Sir

The CA Final syllabus includes Advanced Financial Management AFM (before SFM) as Paper 2 during the CA examination. The subject will help the CA students to acquire the ability to make strategic decisions. SFM now AFM is one of the core papers for the CA Final students and the CA final students can aim to...

How to Manage CA Articleship and Studies Effectively? CA Life: The Surprises That Await You Top 5 Reasons Why Distance Learning is the Future CA vs MBA: Which is Better for You?